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Kikötőváros, Németország
Wismar egy kis kikötőváros, egykori Hanza-város, Németország északi részén, a Balti-tenger partján, Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia szövetségi államban. Kb. 45 km-re fekszik keletre Lübecktől és 30 km-re északi irányban Schwerintől. Természetes... Wikipédia
Népesség: 44 730 (2008. dec. 31.)
Magasság: 43 láb
Hívószám: 03841
Terület: 41,71 km²

Wismar egy kis kikötőváros, egykori Hanza-város, Németország északi részén, a Balti-tenger partján, Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia szövetségi államban.
wismar innen: en.m.wikipedia.org
Wismar lies in the northeastern corner of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, and is the capital of the district of Northwestern Mecklenburg. The city's natural ...
wismar innen: whc.unesco.org
The medieval towns of Wismar and Stralsund, on the Baltic coast of northern Germany, were major trading centres of the Hanseatic League in the 14th and 15th ...
wismar innen: www.britannica.com
Wismar, city, Mecklenburg–West Pomerania Land (state), northern Germany. It lies along Wismar Bay (Wismarbucht), an inlet of the Baltic Sea, east of Lübeck.
wismar innen: aboardtheworld.com
Wismar was part of East Germany under Soviet Control until the Wall fell in 1989. Many of the buildings in the Old City (Altstadt) have been preserved.
wismar innen: www.tripadvisor.com
The top attractions to visit in Wismar are: Nikolaikirche · Tierpark Wismar · Kirche St. Georgen · Old Hansa Harbor · Wasserkunst · See all attractions ...
wismar innen: www.hanse.org
With its monumental churches, the impressive market square with its restored town houses and the old waterpumpingstation, Wismar has one of the best preserved ...
wismar innen: www.hamburg.com
Named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2002, Wismar is today a thriving historic city. With both an old town and a harbour, Wismar offers visitors much to see ...
wismar innen: entdecke-deutschland.de
The UNESCO World Heritage city on the Baltic Sea delights with its splendid old town center, one of the largest marketplaces in northern Germany and ...
wismar innen: www.wismar.de
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