Tipp: Csak angol nyelvű találatok keresése. A keresési nyelvet itt adhatja meg: Beállítások
oradea innen: hu.m.wikipedia.org
Nagyvárad (románul Oradea, németül Großwardein, szlovákul Veµký Varadín, latinul Varadinum vagy Magnovaradinum, jiddisül גרויסווארדיין; Groszvardajn) a ...
Oradea is a city in Romania, located in the Crișana region. The seat of Bihor County, Oradea is one of the most important economic, social and cultural ...


Megyei jogú város, Románia
Nagyvárad a romániai Bihar megye székhelye, megyei jogú város a Partiumban, a Körösvidéken, a Sebes-Körös partján. A település a régió legnagyobb városa. A lakosság 24,5%-a magyar. A 11. századi eredetű városba I. Wikipédia
Irányítószám: 410001–410609
Időzóna: EET, UTC+2
Magyar lakosság: 33 340 (18%, 2021)
Megye: Bihar
Népesség: 183 105 fő (2021. dec. 1.)

oradea innen: www.romaniatourism.com
Located just 8 miles east of Romania's border with Hungary and spanning both shores of the Crisu Repede River, the elegant city of Oradea is a great starting ...
Oradea is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Aquapark Nymphaea Orade · Lotus Center · Oradea Fortress · Riserva Wine Spa · Ciuperca Hill ...
oradea innen: www.visitoradea.com
But Oradea is way beyond #ArtNouveau. It is a blooming city, a place of wellness and wellbeing, a paradise of thermal waters together with Felix and 1 Mai Baths ...
oradea innen: www.britannica.com
Oradea, city, capital of Bihor judeƫ (county), northwestern Romania. It lies about 8 miles (13 km) east of the Hungarian border, along the Crişul Repede ...
Getting into Oradea is moderately easy, from Romania or from Hungary. Most visitors arrive by train, as Oradea is located at the western extremity of the ...
The top attractions to visit in Oradea are: Black Hawk (Vulturul Negru) Palace Arcade · Oradea City Hall · Moon Church (Biserica cu Luna) · The Neolog Synagogue ...
oradea innen: tourinromania.com
The city of Oradea, the former Oradea Mare, the county seat of Bihor, is located in the west of Romania, near the border with Hungary.
Located in North-West Romania, Oradea - the capital city of Bihor County, always knew how to benefit from its location on trade routes linking Eastern and ...